Monthly Rent / 200,000 JPY (negotiable) Located in Okinawa-City...Read More→
Modern Apartment In Chatan-Town!
Monthly Rent / 200,000 JPY (negotiable) Located in Chatan-Town...Read More→
¥200,000/Monthly¥200,000 Deposit
3 Bedrooms Apartment With Beautiful View!
Monthly Rent / 450,000 JPY (negotiable) Located in Okinawa-City...Read More→
¥450,000/Monthly¥450,000 Deposit
1700 SQFT House With Yard & Ocean View!
Monthly Rent / 260,000 JPY Located in Kin-Town ...Read More→
¥260,000/Monthly¥260,000 Deposit
Modern Apartment With Nice Balcony!
Monthly Rent / 235,000 JPY Located in Okinawa-City ...Read More→
¥235,000/Monthly¥235,000 Deposit